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High School Diploma / GED

High School Diploma


A High School Diploma can open up better job opportunities, help you prepare for job training and college, and qualify you for financial aid to further your education.

Classes are free of charge!
Check our calendar for upcoming enrollment testing dates.

It is never too late to graduate!


In order to earn your high school diploma, you will need a total of 130 credits as follows:







Life Science


Physical Science


World History


U.S. History






FA/Foreign Lang/CTE







Independent Study

The Hanford Adult School Independent Study Program is an optional alternative instructional strategy for adult students who are unable to enroll in selected classes due to schedule conflicts, employment, health problems, or family obligations. IS is a voluntary program for students who meet the following criteria.

  • Students must have a minimum test score of 226 for Math and 236 for English on the placement test.
  • Students must thoroughly complete an Independent Study Application and submit to the Student Services Office for processing.
  • Initial placement and termination of the student in the IS program shall be at the sole discretion of the designated teacher and the Administration. 
  • Students are required to complete a minimum of 10 hours per week of homework and meet with the teacher each week.
  • Students are not allowed to miss 2 scheduled appointments unless it is a family emergency and a phone call has been made to the teacher. 

Students meet with the Instructor by APPOINTMENT ONLY.

HAS Instructors

Ms. Beth

Ms. Beth TolentinoHigh School Diploma/Independent Study/GED Instructor


Mr. Bob

Mr. Bob HardgraveIndependent Study Instructor


Mr. Stahr

Mr. David Stahr, High School Diploma/GED/Independent Study/ESL Instructor

Mayra Diaz, ABE Instructor

Mayra Diaz, ABE Instructor

Edgar Sanchez

Edgar Sanchez, Math Instructor

GED High School Equivalency Exam

Our General Education Development preparation program offers free classes to help you prepare for the General Education Development (GED) test. You will practice content items from the GED, learn test-taking strategies to ensure your success, and experience realistic testing conditions. Gain confidence in your skills through our individualized, teacher-directed prep class, so you pass on the very first try!  

Although the GED test represents less of a time commitment than a high school diploma, it's not academically easier. The test is graded on an equivalency scale compared to current high school students. To pass, test takers must perform at a level comparable to or above 60% of high school seniors.

Made up of four subject area tests, the GED tests include the following subjects: 


Exam Length


Language Arts & Reading        

155 minutes



 120  minutes



 95 minutes


Social Studies

 75  minutes


                                                                                                                                                           Total: $164

In addition to multiple-choice and short-form answers, the test also includes extended response question-and-answer formats. Individuals considering taking the GED test need to study. The test is available in Spanish, as well. 

To register and/or schedule a test
Go to 
or call 1-877-392-6433

HAS Graduation 2024 

Graduation 24
Graduation 24
Graduation 24
Graduation 24
Graduation 24
Graduation 24


Never too late


Upcoming Placement Test